AMD 2nd Gen Ryzen Mobile Processor Global Launch

AMD 2nd Gen Ryzen Mobile Processor Global Launch

Dialog Case Study

AMD 2nd Gen Ryzen Mobile Processor Global Launch

Breaking through the PC entertainment category

Client Overview

AMD is a global semiconductor company that develops computer processors and related technologies for business and consumer markets by providing the building blocks for gaming, immersive platforms and the datacenter.


AMD was launching their 2nd Gen AMD Ryzen™ Mobile Processors with Radeon™ Vega Graphics globally and wanted to create excitement, build consideration and generate demand for their new offering that provides the ultimate entertainment experience to consumers.

Dialog was asked to deliver compelling messaging across distinct personas and campaign concepts while leveraging the overall AMD corporate brand and value proposition across all communications vehicles globally.

Insights, Action, and Creative Strategy

Designed an integrated marketing approach beginning with the brand idea of “breakthrough entertainment experiences” that was extended cohesively throughout all global, marketing communication initiatives across media, target audiences, and marketing efforts to generate buzz and consideration

Creative concepts and messaging was extended by areas of focus (entertainment, gaming, productivity, etc.) and product levels (Ryzen 3, 5, and 7) with engaging and cohesive visuals to deliver a great user experience

“Intel Corp. spent more in marketing and administrative expenses last year than Advanced Micro Devices made in revenue. When it comes to generating buzz, though, there is little doubt that the smaller chip maker has vastly outmaneuvered its much larger peer.”

Wall Street Journal
May 28, 2019

Read Article


Campaigns launched globally in toolkit format including all creative assets and were then translated and rolled out in each region worldwide (US, APJ, GC, EMEA, LATAM)

Concept of break-through entertainment, persona profiles and associated content was fully embraced globally


AMD’s compute and graphics segment now has the highest value AMD has recorded in 12 years in 2020.

Mobile processor revenue has doubled.

Xbox and PlayStation launched with AMD Ryzen processors.

“The breakthrough global messaging and creative campaign that Dialog developed was spot-on! It not only met the unique needs of the regions but was also fully embraced and adopted for our integrated launch efforts across business units.”

Crystal Cook, Mainstream Consumer Campaigns, AMD

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Carenet Corporate Repositioning & Rebranding

Carenet Corporate Repositioning & Rebranding

Dialog Case Study

Carenet Corporate Repositioning & Rebranding

“Intelligent Engagement” for Healthcare

Client Overview

Carenet is a market leader in healthcare engagement services for health plans, providers, and employers providing consumer engagement for 100 of the nation’s healthcare payors.


The core engagement services market was rapidly commoditizing. Carenet brand positioning was identified with traditional call center technology, and its visual identity was solely consumer-focused. This was problematic since, while consumers were a key constituent, they were not the paying customer.

Insights, Action, and Creative Strategy

Developed a position that reflected the core strength of Carenet in creating custom programs and delivering next generation engagement.

  • The hybrid audiences for Carenet’s offering were reflected in a brand idea of “What matters to you matters to Us” which emphasized their problem-solving capability and positioned them with a much smarter more professional look designed to appeal to business decision-makers.
  • Mosaic patterns were used as key visual elements in order to reflect the modular approach of customized services.

“Dialog “got our company” in a way that others have not. They were able to help us reflect newly forming strategies in the messaging and have definitely taken our brand to the next level.”

John Erwin, CEO
Carenet Healthcare


Brand messaging is widely embraced by the employee base as a major maturation.

The brand identity system was successfully rolled out in online and offline executions as well as in-office décor and signage.

Images from Carenet Healthcare on Facebook

“As a global agency veteran of over 30 years and now a corporate marketing VP, I can say with confidence that Dialog has a thorough and proven brand strategy, value prop, and messaging process that will enable you to find your whites pace and create a meaningful expression for your brand, no matter how complex.”

Skip Dampier, Vice President, Marketing
Carenet Healthcare

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